Ph.D. defense Asma Jerray

22 May 2024

Agro Paris-Saclay campus (22 Place de l’Agronomie, 91120 Palaiseau), C1.0.06 amphitheater in the C building

Trade-off between increased soil carbon sequestration and nitrous oxide emissions in managed cropland/grassland systems

Dear all,

I am thrilled to invite you to my Ph.D. defense entitled: “Trade-off between increased soil carbon sequestration and nitrous oxide emissions in managed cropland/grassland systems”.

The defense will be held on 22 May 2024 at 2 pm (Wednesday) at the Agro Paris-Saclay campus (22 Place de l’Agronomie, 91120 Palaiseau), C1.0.06 amphitheater in the C building. It will also be possible to attend online to the defense (a link for the videoconference will be shared soon).

The jury members are: 

Reporter : Laurent PHILIPPOT, Research director, INRAE, Dijon

Reporter: Davey JONES, Professor, Bangor University, UK

Examinator : Cornelia RUMPEL, Research director, CNRS, Paris

Examinator : Caroline PETITJEAN, Associate professor, AgroParisTech, Nancy

Examinator : Laurent CANER, Professor, Poitiers University

thesis director : Abad CHABBI, Directeur de recherche, INRAE, Lusignan

Abstract of the thesis:

Agricultural soils play an important role in nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions into the atmosphere. However, predicting and understanding these emissions remains a challenge, along with the relationship between soil organic carbon (SOC) storage and N2O fluxes. This relationship is crucial for the adoption of sustainable land management practices.

This study focuses on the impact of different grassland management practices on SOC storage and in situ N2O emissions. The management systems under study include a continuous crop rotation (maize, wheat, barley), temporary grassland (Tall fescue, Cocksfoot, Ryegrass) with various fertilization regimes alternating with crops, and a fertilized mowed permanent grassland. The aim is also to identify the factors that influence N2O emissions in both bulk soil and aggregate size fractions and to assess the effectiveness of the CERES-EGC model in predicting N2O emissions from these crop/grassland systems. To achieve this, field data collected alongside laboratory analysis are used to refine the model’s site-specific parameters, with the goal of improving its ability to predict N2O emissions.

The results highlight that despite fluctuations in SOC stocks caused by different management practices, no significant trade-off was observed between SOC storage at different depths (10 and 30 cm) and N2O emissions. Additionally, the inclusion of temporary grassland in crop rotations had a positive impact on SOC stocks but simultaneously led to increased N2O emissions. Interestingly, the chemical composition of SOC, soil physical properties, and denitrifier activity appear to play a more dominant role in on-site N2O emissions than SOC content and denitrifier abundance. This underscores the importance of environmental conditions and denitrifier activity rather than mere abundance in influencing N2O emissions at the bulk soil level. However, although the results indicate that bulk and aggregate size fractions reveal similar determinants of N2O emissions, the characteristics of aggregate size fractions better explain the variability of on-site N2O emissions. Larger aggregates (>2 mm) mainly influenced on-site N2O emissions via the abundance of N2O producers regulated by carbon quality, while N2O reducers were influenced by the pH and moisture of the same fine aggregate. Additionally, the finest aggregates played a role in N2O consumption.

From a modeling perspective, utilizing the CERES-EGC model, we successfully simulated in situ N2O emissions from both temporary grassland and continuous cropping systems. This suggests that accurate simulation of N2O emissions from both arable and grassland systems is feasible using field-collected data. We propose refining the site-specific parameters of the N2O emission module based on soil chemical properties identified as key drivers of N2O emissions in previous studies, and enhancing the model to accommodate small-scale soil variability. These enhancements have the potential to significantly improve the accuracy of N2O simulations, thereby advancing the development of more effective and sustainable soil management practices.

Keywords: Nitrous oxide (N2O), cropland, grassland, soil aggregates, soil carbon quality, carbon stock, lignin, denitrifiers, CERES-EGC, modelling.

It will be a pleasure seeing you all!

See you very soon!
