Applying to the programme

Applications are invited from both French and international students to foster a global approach to the topics covered by the MSc. Courses will be taught in english (with a B2 proficiency as a pre-requisite). Applicants should hold a Bachelor degree and have subsequently validated 2 semesters at Master's level. Classes will be held in Paris (at the AgroParisTech Claude Bernard location), and student accomodation is available.

Applications are open  for the 2015-2016 University year, on  Université Paris-Saclay (further information on Application-FAQ section )

and closed on June, 10 2015 

Admissions will be granted from early February next year to the end of June.

You may contact the Programme coordinators in the meantime.

Students from overseas may apply to the following grant programmes:

- The Eiffel programme from Campus France

- The Master's fellowships from Idex Paris-Saclay

- The scholarships offered by the  Ile-de-France Region

Visit the Etudiant de Paris website for a more comprehensive overview of grant programems, including for French or European residents.


Modification date: 06 July 2023 | Publication date: 05 November 2014 | By: Benoît GABRIELLE