
Unit Involvement in teaching and training

Assistant professors and professors are affiliated with SIAFEE Department of AgroParisTech, and with School BASE of the University Paris-Saclay .

EcoSys is involved in several masters training and is involved in coordination of « Climate, land use, ecosystem services » (CLUES) and « Gestion des sols et services écosystémiques »  (GSSE) of master « Biology and Ecology for the Forest Agronomy and Environment» (AETPF) of the University Paris-Saclay, in international master « Gestion et traitement des eaux, des sols et des déchets » and on Major (“Dominante d’Approfondissement”) in engineering teaching of AgroParisTech « environnemental engineering: water,wastes, sustainable development » and « MetaTox : From the assessment to the management of toxicological risks to the health of ecosystems and human ».

The Joint Research Unit ECOSYS works with two Doctoral Schools : "ABIES" and "Sciences de l'Environnement d'Ile-de-France".

Each year, there are about 20 PhD students, 7 junior researchers (post-doc) and about 50 students.