PhD defence Pedro Coimbra

17 May 2024

amphitheatre C2.037 (ground floor) in AgroParistech-INRAE campus in Palaiseau

A Whirlwind Journey of Wavelet Turbulent Flux Mapping: Estimation of spatialized turbulent flux on tall towers and its uncertainties

Hello everyone,

I have the pleasure to invite you to my PhD defence entitled:

A Whirlwind Journey of Wavelet Turbulent Flux Mapping: Estimation of spatialized turbulent flux on tall towers and its uncertainties

on the 17/05/2024 (Friday) at 09:30.

The defence will take place in the amphitheatre C2.037 (ground floor) in AgroParistech-INRAE campus in Palaiseau.

The full defence will be hold in english.


Modification date: 21 May 2024 | Publication date: 02 May 2024