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Carnot Institute 3BCar

3BCar is a structured network of 12 research units working in the field of biomass transformation, including bioenergies, biomolecules and biosourced materials (the 3 Bs of renewable carbon). It aims to develop partnership research with companies to favor the development of innovation, technology transfer and public-private partnerships (from SMEs to large groups) in response to their needs. 3BCar was implemented in 2006 and was renewed in 2016. 3BCAR allows us to investigate partnership projects in areas supported by ECOSYS, for example, concerning the integrated evaluation of non-food biomass production and use systems (application of life cycle analysis and modeling approaches); the recycling of waste biomass and co-products, with their valorization in agriculture; and the use of biomolecules from plants as additives for formulated products employed in crop protection. 3BCAR also allows us to benefit from a support structure for setting up public-private projects and a framework with a well-formalized quality-assurance approach.