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Climate Change and Land Use (CLAND) Convergence Institute

This project, supported by the COMUE Paris-Saclay, brings together 12 research units from eight institutions (AgroParisTech, CEA, CIRAD, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, INRA, Irstea, IRD) and two universities (Paris-Sud and Versailles Saint-Quentin). The project was founded through the Investments for the Future, Convergence Institutes, program for 10 years starting in 2017. CLAND aims to provide integrated risk assessments and solutions for integrated ecosystem and agriculture management in the face of climate and environmental changes. CLAND seeks to take up the interdisciplinary scientific challenge of integrating the diagnostic and prospective modeling of the impacts of climate change, integrating the effects on food production, biodiversity dynamics and socio-economic mechanisms inferred based on land-use changes. ECOSYS participates in the executive committee of the project (Enrique Barriuso, Pierre Cellier) and intervenes particularly in projects concerning the mitigation of climate change, including land-use changes aimed at increasing the storage of carbon in soils and decrease emissions of GHG (Claire Chenu, Benoît Gabrielle), as well as the effects of climate change on the dynamics of pests and consequences for the loss of agricultural yields (Corinne Robert).

A first wave of projects supported by CLAND is gradually being put in place. ECOSYS took charge of the project's animation of climate change mitigation. It is planned to recruit 2 postdocs and 4 PhD candidates at ECOSYS, most of whom will be co-supervised with other CLAND partners. ECOSYS is also involved in the organization of two workshops on the dynamics of organic matter and carbon storage and the dynamics of pests and the loss of agricultural yields. Additionally, ECOSYS is involved in an educational project associated with CLAND, sharing some modules of the master's courses and participating in the research-training commission (Erwan Personne, Enrique Barriuso).