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Ile-de-France Federation of Environmental Research (FIRE)

ECOSYS (and its components EGC and PESSAC) is a founding member of the CNRS/UPMC Research Federation, Ile-de- France Federation for Environmental Research (FIRE - FR 3020, 2007-2017, currently being renewed). This federation consists of 18 units in the Paris region and aims to promote interdisciplinary research in the field of Environmental Sciences. Its federative project mainly concerns research projects on continental surfaces related to human activities (watersheds and hydrographic networks, agricultural parcels and forests, small agricultural regions, urban and rural landscapes) and their interfaces with underlying groundwater, coastal areas and the atmosphere. ECOSYS is involved in the management team (Sabine Houot). FIRE has a reduced financing budget but has nevertheless been able to finance internship grants (M2), the purchase of shared equipment (weather stations, multiparameter probes for measuring the quality of water, NIRS soil characterization probes, X probes for determining various soil elements, field gas analyzers), and the equipment of piezometers at an emblematic and unifying site: the Orgeval watershed. These funds have also been used to prepare large-scale projects on FIRE topics. This is the case for the project ANR ESCAPADE (Evaluation of scenarios of the nitrogen cascade in agricultural landscapes and territorial modeling), led by Jean-Louis Drouet (ECOSYS), involving a consortium of laboratories, most of which belong to FIRE.