Offre de stage Modelisation (Stella)

Design, implementation, and evaluation of a particulate matter module in an energy and pollutant transfer model


Terrestrial ecosystems exchange numerous gases with the atmosphere and have an important role as sources and/or sinks of atmospheric compounds. These compounds can have many consequences on climate (the case of greenhouse gases), on air quality (the case of atmospheric pollutants), and as a result on human health and ecosystem functioning.

In order to understand, quantify, and predict the energy and pollutant exchanges between the atmosphere and the vegetation, the UMR ECOSYS has developed for many years the SurfAtm model (Personne et al., 2009; Stella et al., 2011, 2013). After many developments, it is now able to estimate the radiative exchanges, the sensible and latent heat fluxes, and the exchanges of several gaseous atmospheric pollutants i.e., ammonia (NH3), ozone (O3), and pesticides, on different ecosystems (grasslands, crops, forests). More recently, it has been coupled with an urban microclimate model in order to quantify the impact of urban greening of urban microclimate.

Currently, the particulate matters (PM) are under serious social concerns due to their impact on public health, especially in urban areas. Consequently, the UMR ECOSYS want to further develop the SurfAtm model to integrate the effects of urban vegetation, especially concerning the particulate matters.

Internship objective and schedule:

The aim of the internship will be to design and test an exchange module for particulate matters integrated in the SurfAtm model, first step to quantify the impact of urban greening on urban air quality assessment. The internship will follow the following steps:

-          Literature review on existing studies on that topic, with a focus on the existing parameterizations to model the PM exchanges at the field and district scales,

-          Design of the module and its parameterizations for the particulate matters, if necessary formula comparisons,

-          Implementation in the generic model SurfAtm,

-          Sensitivity analysis of the specific module,

-          Scenarios on the effect of the vegetation on PM fluxes (height, density, etc…).

Required skills

-          Knowledges in modeling, environmental sciences and/or fluid mechanics

-          Interest for modeling approaches

-          Interest for environmental issues

-          Autonomy and rigor

-          Knowledge of the C language is a plus

Work environment:

The student will be located at Palaiseau at the UMR INRAE/AgroParisTech ECOSYS. This internship will also join the works of the Lab Recherche-Environnement Vinci-ParisTech where AgroParisTech is a partner.

The management will be performed by:

-          Sébastien Saint-Jean (

-          Patrick Stella (

-          Erwan Personne (

Employment contract:

The internship will give a gratification of 508.20 euros per month+ repayment of 50% of the transport pass.

Following this internship, a PhD contract is possible.


Send a detailed CV, a motivation letter, and the contact information of 1 referent to:

-          Sébastien Saint-Jean (

-          Patrick Stella (

-          Erwan Personne (

Modification date: 06 July 2023 | Publication date: 02 November 2022 | By: SF