[hal-04810486] Measurement and modelling of water flows and pesticide leaching under low input cropping systems
The current challenge in sustainable agriculture is to redesign cropping systems aiming at reducing the use and impacts of pesticides, and therefore to protect the environment, in particular groundwater, and human health. As a large range of systems could be explored and a wide number of pesticides used, field experiments cannot be carried out to study the sustainability of each of them. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate and to compare the ability of three pesticide fate recognized models (MACRO, PEARL, PRZM) to simulate the water and pesticide flows observed in six contrasted innovative cropping systems based on maize monoculture, oilseed rape-wheat-barley rotation, and sunflower-wheat rotation, experimented for three years in three different soil and climatic conditions. The innovative systems were designed with different crop rotations, cover crops, and intercrops. A method was firstly developed to parameterize intercrops which were not explicitly represented in the models: the use of average crop factors, maximum LAI, and maximum crop height and rooting depth of the crops constituting the intercrop allowed acceptable simulations of cumulated water flows, but not their dynamic. Twelve different pesticides over 70 applied were detected in the lysimeters (e.g., bentazone, glyphosate, S-metolachlor), their concentrations exceeded 0.1 µg L-1 in several situations. The performance of the models to reproduce pesticide concentrations was poor though “worst-case” values of pesticide sorption and degradation parameters (i.e., minimum Kf values, maximum nf and DT50 values) were mostly used, illustrating the great challenge and the progress needed to simulate accurately pesticides transfer into the soil. Overall, MACRO was found to be the most efficient models followed by PEARL and PRZM. The method developed in this work could be used for risk assessment of groundwater contamination by pesticides in innovative cropping systems, considering the risk is likely to be underestimated in some situations.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Laure Mamy) 29 Nov 2024
[hal-04826659] Proposing a chemical-mapping based approach for prioritization of endocrine disrupting environmental contaminants
The presence of endocrine disrupting contaminants (EDCs) in the environment has been known for decades and is due to anthropogenic activities [1]. They can induce adverse effects even at very low concentrations [2,3]. However, the identification, detection, and quantification of EDCs remain several challenges. First, mechanisms of endocrine disruption are very complex through multifaceted pathways [4]. Among these mechanisms, the ability to bind to and/or activate nuclear hormone receptors (NRs) is essential to identify endocrine disruptor hazards [5]. Second, the EDCs belong to a highly heterogeneous group of chemicals, which may have very different environmental behaviors [6,7]. Therefore, the unique characteristics of each compound make it more challenging to find distinct structure-activity relationships of EDCs [6]. The study aims at proposing an alternative, easily exploitable clustering approach to link the chemical structure of organic compounds and their ED properties, and eventually at highlighting the relationship with their environmental fate. The approach will be based on TyPol (Typology of Pollutants) which is an operational tool that allows the clustering of organic compounds according to similarities in molecular properties, fate, and effects [8]. For characterizing the ED effects in particular, binding affinities (BA) and bioactivity of compounds have been selected as new parameters to implement in the TyPol database. Furthermore, a set of molecular descriptors, environmental, and ecotoxicological parameters [8] will be employed in addition to BA and bioactivity. At first, TyPol will be used to classify organic contaminants that are known or supposed to exhibit estrogenic (249 compounds) and androgenic (104 compounds) properties. These compounds were retrieved from NORMAN (List of chemicals – S109/PARCEDC), EDKB (Endocrine Disruptor Knowledge Base), EADB (Estrogenic Activity Database), and CompTox Chemicals Dashboard. Finally, the TyPol tool is expected to discriminate potential EDCs of high concern from those of lower concern based on their aforementioned parameters in order to prioritize compounds and improve environmental risk assessment.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Yoce Aprianto) 09 Dec 2024
[hal-04694112] A conceptual framework for landscape-based environmental risk assessment (ERA) of pesticides
While pesticide use is subject to strict regulatory oversight worldwide, it remains a main concern for environmental protection, including biodiversity conservation. This is partly due to the current regulatory approach that relies on separate assessments for each single pesticide, crop use, and non-target organism group at local scales. Such assessments tend to overlook the combined effects of overall pesticide usage at larger spatial scales. Integrative landscape-based approaches are emerging, enabling the consideration of agricultural management, the environmental characteristics, and the combined effects of pesticides applied in a same or in different crops within an area. These developments offer the opportunity to deliver informative risk predictions relevant for different decision contexts including their connection to larger spatial scales and to combine environmental risks of pesticides, with those from other environmental stressors. We discuss the needs, challenges, opportunities and available tools for implementing landscape-based approaches for prospective and retrospective pesticide Environmental Risk Assessments (ERA). A set of “building blocks” that emerged from the discussions have been integrated into a conceptual framework. The framework includes elements to facilitate its implementation, in particular: flexibility to address the needs of relevant users and stakeholders; means to address the inherent complexity of environmental systems; connections to make use of and integrate data derived from monitoring programs; and options for validation and approaches to facilitate future use in a regulatory context. The conceptual model can be applied to existing ERA methodologies, facilitating its comparability, and highlighting interoperability drivers at landscape level. The benefits of landscape-based pesticide ERA extend beyond regulation. Linking and validating risk predictions with relevant environmental impacts under a solid science-based approach will support the setting of protection goals and the formulation of sustainable agricultural strategies. Moreover, landscape ERA offers a communication tool on realistic pesticide impacts in a multistressors environment for stakeholders and citizens
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jose Tarazona) 19 Nov 2024
[hal-04626418] Suivi de terrain et à long terme de l’épandage répété de produits résiduaires organiques sur la contamination d’un sol agricole en contaminants traces organiques en contexte tropical
L’utilisation de produits résiduaires organiques (PRO) tels que les boues de station d’épuration, fumiers, lisiers, digestats ou composts, comme substitution aux fertilisants azotés ou phosphorés conventionnels permet de valoriser ces matières dans une logique d’économie circulaire et participe à la réduction des coûts environnementaux et économiques liés aux intrants de synthèse. Cependant, les PRO peuvent contenir une grande diversité de contaminants traces organiques (CTO). Ces CTO appartiennent à différents groupes, comme les polluants organiques persistants (POP), les contaminants organiques émergents (COE) ou encore les produits pharmaceutiques et de soins personnels (PPCP). Le devenir dans les sols de ces contaminants a principalement été étudié dans un contexte de climat tempéré, mais peu ou pas de données sont disponibles sur leur devenir dans un contexte tropical 1,2. Or, le type de sol et ses propriétés, les précipitations et la température, en plus des caractéristiques intrinsèques du contaminant et du PRO jouent un rôle majeur dans leur devenir 3,4. Sur le site du SOERE PRO (Systèmes d'Observation et d'Expérimentation au long terme pour la Recherche en Environnement) de La Réunion, 123 CTO ont été suivis dans les PRO et les sols pendant 8 années de culture de canne à sucre afin de quantifier au champ les flux entrants et leur potentielle accumulation dans les sols. Nos hypothèses sont les suivantes : (i) le temps de dissipation apparent des CTO est plus court en condition tropicales ; (ii) la contamination préexistante à la mise en place de cet essai au champ est principalement marquée par la présence de POP, caractérisés par un faible taux de dissipation, (iii) les flux de PPCP et de COE via les PRO sont plus importants que pour les POP car une partie des POP sont maintenant interdits ou leurs usages sont encadrés, (iv) la typologie des contaminants varie en fonction du type de PRO. Des flux importants de POP et de COE sont observés pour certains composés ou certaines familles de composés mais il n’y a peu ou pas d’accumulation dans les sols. Seuls certains retardateurs de flamme, les polybromodiphényléthers s’accumulent de manière significative dans les sols sur lesquels des boues de station d’épuration sont épandues. Concernant les PPCP, seules les quatre premières années d’analyses sont disponibles. Alors que ces composés étaient totalement absents des sols à T0, certains d’entre eux sont détectés après 1 à 4 épandages selon les modalités (e.g. la ciprofloxacine et la doxycycline).
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Antoine Spaudo) 26 Jun 2024
[hal-04735564] Phytotoxicité en contexte de multicontamination diffuse du sol : 15 ans de recherche sur un outil basé sur la mesure de phytodisponibilité.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Matthieu N. Bravin) 14 Oct 2024
[hal-04684163] What risk does crop irrigation with reclaimed municipal wastewater represent with respect to the transmission of antimicrobial resistance to humans?
Background and Aim: Climate change associated water stress in the dry southern regions of Europe, Australia and the US South West is threatening food security. In this context, irrigation of crop ground with effluent from municipal wastewater treatment plants is a practice that is become more widely adopted. Sewage effluents can contain pharmaceuticals, other micropollutants, and enteric bacteria including those that carry antibiotic resistance genes. The European Commission has recently set standards for the quality of effluents to be used in crop production with the abundance of viable E. coli as the only microbiological endpoint of concern. https://environment.ec.europa.eu/publications/minimum-requirements-water-reuse- guidelines_en. There is currently no provision for including risk of AMR transmission in the standards. Therefore, the key aim of the work to be done here is to provide policy makers with evidence concerning what risk this practice might represent from the perspective of AMR transmission, and options for managing transmission risk.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Edward Topp) 02 Sep 2024
[hal-04625683] Searching for pedotransfer functions to predict sorption ofpharmaceuticals from soil properties
In the context of recycling organic waste products or irrigation by treated wastewaters (re-use), the fate of human and veterinary pharmaceuticals in agricultural soils and consequent ground-water contamination are influenced by many factors, including soil properties controlling sorption and dissipation processes (Verlicchi et al., 2015, Mejías et al., 2021, Rietra et al., 2022). Sorption coefficients are among the most sensitive parameters in models used for risk assessment. However, for different classes of pharmaceuticals, the variations in sorption among different soil types are poorly described and understood (Kodesova et al., 2015). Here we reviewed sorption parameters for different classes of pharmaceuticals and their variation with selected soil properties. We also evaluated the sorption isotherms for three pharmaceuticals, ofloxacin, tetracycline, diclofenac and a bactericide, riclocarban and ten soils from temperate and tropical regions, and assessed the impact of soil properties on Freundlich equation parameters Kf and n. Batch experiments were set up adapting OECD protocol and using initial concentration ranges from 5 to 1000 μg/L. For strongly sorbed molecules, namely ofloxacin, tetracycline and triclocarban, there were strong technical constraints for the quantification of equilibrium concentrations by LC-MS-MS. We used this knowledge from both literature review and experimental data to build pedotransfer functions that allow predicting sorption parameters for a wide range of soils. Sorption of ionizable pharmaceuticals was, in many cases, highly affected by soil pH and CEC whereas soil organic matter content remained a driving factor of sorption for neutral molecular forms.References:Kodesova, R., et al. (2015) Science of the Total Environment 511, 435–443.Mejías, C. et al. (2021) Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry 30, e00125.Rietra, R.P.P.J., et al. (2024) Heliyon 10 (2024) e23718.Verlicchi, P. & Zambello, E., (2015) Science of The Total Environment 538, 750–767
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Charline Godard) 26 Jun 2024
[hal-04625746] Looking for available data on the fate and ecotoxicological effects of perfluoroalkylated (PFAS) compounds in terrestrial ecosystems
Poly- and perfluoroalkylated substances (PFAS) form a family of over 4000 molecules used in a wide range of industrial, agricultural and domestic applications. Most of these substances are toxic, persistent in the environment and bioaccumulative. Soil plays a key role in the fate of these molecules, delaying their arrival in aquifers but also leading them to be absorbed by the organisms living there. However, the fate and ecotoxicological effects of the vast majority of these compounds in terrestrial ecosystems are poorly understood. Therefore, the objective of this work was to review the fate (mobility, persistence) of PFAS in soils and their effects on terrestrial organisms. Two main queries focused on “fate” and “effects” were defined: they included several keywords related to PFAS, soil, sorption, mobility persistence, degradation, invertebrates, microorganisms, plants, etc. The literature search was done in the Web of ScienceTM. A total of 875 papers was obtained. Two hundred and eighty-nine different PFAS were studied in these papers, belonging to two categories: the perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAA) and their precursors. The most encountered chemical families were perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCA) and perflurooctane sulfonic acids (PFSA). Among the 875 papers, 235 allowed to get data related to the fate of PFAS in soils while only 40 papers contained data related to their ecotoxicological effects. We then looked for endpoints such as sorption coefficients (Kd, Kf, Koc), degradation half-life (DT50), median effective concentration (EC50), median lethal concentration (LC50) and bioconcentration factor (BSAF, BAF). Overall, the number of available data was low. Significantly more data were found for sorption than for degradation. Regarding the ecotoxicity, most of the results focused on the model species of earthworm Eisenia fetida and were related to LC50 and bioconcentration. We identified a critical need for more research to characterize the fate of PFAS in soils and their effects on terrestrial organisms. This work is part of the IPANEMA (Impacts of PFAS: fate and ecotoxicity of mixtures) project funded by ADEME.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Chloe Doron) 26 Jun 2024
[hal-04814148] RISMEAU dataset: Pharmaceuticals and biocides concentrations in urban and agricultural sludge, amended soil and leachate and their environmental impacts
The RISMEAU project ( RISques liés aux résidus de Médicaments, biocides et antibiorésistance d’origine humaine et vétérinaire sur les ressources en EAU du bassin versant de l’Arve –Risks related to residues of pharmaceuticals and biocides, and antimicrobial resistance of human and veterinary origin on the water resources of the 2083 km2 Arve catchment lo- cated in the French Alps) was implanted from 2018 to 2024 on the SIPIBEL observatory. It was devoted to the evaluation of (i) transfers of and processes related to pharmaceu- tical residues and biocides from both urban sludge and ma- nure spread on fields as fertilisers, and (ii) the environmen- tal impacts of land spreading, in particular the ecotoxicological risks and antimicrobial resistance dissemination. Themethodology was based on the physico-chemical, ecotoxi- cological and antimicrobial resistance (AMR –assessed by molecular biology) characterisation of leachate and soil matrices samples, and focused on organic waste products appli- cation at locally representative agronomic rates. This dataset can be reused by other researchers for comparison with their own investigations on this emerging topic under different contexts and conditions, and may contribute to international reviews. The database includes in total 26,217 values, measured on 348 samples of organic waste products, soil, in situ lysimeter leachate, earthworms, plants with 3136 usual physico- chemical values, 15,469 values on pharmaceuticals and bio- cides concentrations, 6827 bioassay values (ecotoxicity and phytotoxicity) and 785 values of antimicrobial resistance indicators. The 348 samples have been collected from Nov. 2019 to Dec. 2022: 4 samples in 2019, 26 in 2020, 130 in 2021 and 188 in 2022. Regarding AMR, 96 assays coding for most abundant resistance genes in healthy humans, clinically relevant antibiotic resistance genes, biocide resistance genes, heavy metal genes, integrons (class I, II and III), and mobilegenetic elements (transposase genes) have been carried out.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Noémie Etienne) 02 Dec 2024
[hal-04726550] TRAVERSéES : Diversité de leviers territoriaux et trajectoires de transition des usages des pesticides
L'objectif du projet TRAVERSéES est de travailler sur des trajectoires de réduction d'usage des pesticides en réponse à divers leviers territoriaux. Pour cela, nous avons entrepris (1) une analyse de facteurs écologiques, économiques, sociaux, institutionnels et individuels de changement des pratiques phytosanitaires, qui a nourri (2) le développement d'un modèle du socio-écosystème simulant des trajectoires de pratiques dans les territoires, qui a lui-même servi d'outil d'animation pour (3) un travail de prospective avec différents acteurs du territoire du Barrois (Grand-Est). Des méthodes variées et un partenariat transdisciplinaire ont nourri ce projet. Les travaux révèlent une multiplicité de facteurs considérés par les agriculteurs associée à une diversité de niveaux de sensibilité à ces facteurs. Le projet a permis de faire émerger des propositions d'actions territoriales variées et originales.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Corinne Robert) 08 Oct 2024
[hal-04810884] TRAVERSéES: Territorial levers and transition pathways for reducing pesticide use
The TRAVERSéES project aims to identify trajectories for reducing pesticide use by leveraging various territorial tools. To achieve this, we first conducted an analysis of ecological, economic, social, institutional, and individual factors that influence changes in phytosanitary practices. These insights informed the development of a socio-ecosystem model designed to simulate agricultural practice trajectories across territories, which subsequently served as a tool for prospective analysis with stakeholders in the Barrois region (Grand-Est). The project employed a range of methodologies and engaged in a transdisciplinary partnership. This approach led to the emergence of multiple, innovative proposals for territorial transition levers and highlighted the diverse factors considered by farmers, along with varying degrees of sensitivity to these influences.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Corinne Robert) 29 Nov 2024
[hal-04762247] Tour d'horizon des contaminants présents dans les sols agricoles
Cet article s’appuie essentiellement sur l’évaluation mondiale de la pollution des sols publiée en 2021 par l’Organisation pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) et le Programme pour l’environnement des Nations unies (PNUE).
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Pierre Benoit) 31 Oct 2024
[hal-04336549] Présentation du Réseau Imagerie des Sols
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Pierre Benoit) 11 Dec 2023
[hal-04862678] SN-BIOCONTROLE. Evaluation de l’exposition de l’environnement aux produits de biocontrôle comprenant des substances naturelles appliquées en grandes cultures et de leurs effets écotoxicologiques. Rapport intermédiaire scientifique d’activité
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Laure Mamy) 03 Jan 2025
[hal-04336509] Contaminants organiques et impacts sur la qualité des sols
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Pierre Benoit) 11 Dec 2023
[hal-04334634] Future challenges for using in silico molecular typology for risk assessment of pesticides metabolites - the example of Typol
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Pierre Benoit) 11 Dec 2023
[hal-04336520] Flux et devenir de contaminants organiques liés aux apports de produits résiduaires organiques : quels impacts sur la qualité des sols ?
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Pierre Benoit) 11 Dec 2023
[hal-04475649] Transferts de médicaments et biocides par les épandages de boues urbaines et de lisiers : premiers résultats du projet Télesphore
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Noémie Pernin) 23 Feb 2024
[hal-04173298] Identification et écotoxicité des produits de transformation des pesticides dans les milieux aquatiques
Une fois appliquées pour protéger les cultures, les substances actives de pesticides sont soumises à divers processus biotiques et abiotiques qui gouvernent leur devenir et leur transfert dans les différents compartiments de l’environnement (sol, eau, air). Les pesticides peuvent s’y dégrader en produits de transformation (TP), et les processus de dégradation et de transfert des TP sont variables dans le temps et l’espace, en fonction de la période d’application de la molécule mère, de ses caractéristiques et des conditions physico-chimiques du milieu. Les TP, bien que peu recherchés, sont potentiellement très nombreux [1], et présents à faibles teneurs dans les milieux aquatiques. L’écotoxicité des TP est encore peu étudiée, mais diverses études indiquent qu’ils peuvent avoir un potentiel écotoxique différent de la substance active mère [2]. A ce jour, bien que l’importance des TP du point de vue toxicologique, écotoxicologique ou environnemental soit régulièrement mise en avant, seuls quelques TP sont bien identifiés [1]. Il apparait donc un besoin d’améliorer les connaissances sur les processus de formation de ces TP, leur devenir, voire leurs effets dans l’environnement et les prendre en compte dans des modèles, notamment ceux utilisés dans des approches réglementaires [3]. Dans ce contexte, le projet TAPIOCA, co-financé par l’Office Français de la Biodiversité (OFB) dans le cadre de l’APR Ecophyto II+ « Santé écosystèmes », poursuit trois objectifs complémentaires : i) mettre au point des méthodes analytiques sensibles pour la recherche et l’identification de TP de pesticides dans les milieux aquatiques afin de mieux caractériser leur occurrence ; ii) améliorer les connaissances sur les effets d’une sélection de pesticides et de TP associés, sur les communautés microbiennes et les macroinvertébrés aquatiques ; et iii) tester l’apport d’outils de prédiction des propriétés de dissipation et de transferts hydriques de TP de pesticides pour mieux cerner leur potentiel de présence dans les milieux naturels (sol, nappe superficielle, cours d’eau) en petits bassins agricoles. Nous présentons ici quelques résultats marquants du projet, associant des approches analytiques, écotoxicologiques et de modélisation, pour améliorer la caractérisation des niveaux d’exposition chronique aux TP de pesticides sélectionnés (le fongicide tébuconazole, l’insecticide fénoxycarbe et l’herbicide terbuthylazine), et des effets biologiques associés pour différents organismes aquatiques non-cibles (communautés microbiennes, macroinvertébrés). Des listes étendues de TP potentiellement formés dans l’environnement ont été construites à partir de la bibliographie et de logiciels de prédiction (ex. pour le tébuconazole avec 291 TP uniques, [4]). Des analyses « suspectées » par chromatographie couplée à la spectrométrie de masse haute résolution (LC-HRMS) ont été mises en œuvre, en s’appuyant sur ces listes, pour identifier des TP présents dans des échantillons prélevés in situ. L’apport de la chromatographie bidimensionnelle 2D-LC-HRMS a également été évalué pour améliorer l’identification des TP dans les matrices environnementales. Des expérimentations en microcosmes avec des organismes aquatiques (périphyton, communautés microbiennes d’hyphomycètes ou gammares) ont permis d’évaluer les effets de plusieurs scénarios d’exposition aux pesticides et TP associés sur différents descripteurs biologiques. Les premiers résultats montrent globalement une toxicité moindre des TP comparativement aux trois molécules mères sur les organismes étudiés. Le croisement des résultats issus des différentes échelles d’études (laboratoire, terrain) et des approches expérimentales et de modélisation apporte des informations précieuses pour améliorer les niveaux de connaissances sur la présence et les effets écotoxiques des produits de transformation de contaminants organiques encore très méconnus.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Christelle Margoum) 28 Jul 2023
[hal-04029726] Is a dissipation half-life of 5 years for chlordecone in soils of the French West Indies relevant?
Recently, Comte et al. (2022) re-examined the natural degradation of chlordecone (CLD) in the soils of the French West Indies (FWI) by introducing an additional ‘dissipation parameter’ into the WISORCH model developed by Cabidoche et al. (2009). Recent data sets of CLD concentrations in FWI soils obtained by Comte et al. enabled them optimizing the model parameters, resulting in significantly shorter estimates of pollution persistence than in the original model. Their conclusions jeopardize the paradigm of a very limited degradation of CLD in FWI soils, which may lead to an entire revision of the management of CLD contamination. However, we believe that their study is questionable on several important aspects. This includes potential biases in the data sets and in the modeling approach. It results in an inconsistency between the estimated dissipation half-life time (DT50) of five years that the authors determined for CLD and the fate of CLD in soil from the application period 1972–1993 until nowadays. Most importantly, a rapid dissipation of CLD in the field as proposed by Comte et al. is not sufficiently supported by data and estimates. Hence, the paradigm of long-term persistence of CLD in FWI soils is still to be considered.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Pierre-Loïc Saaidi) 13 Apr 2023
[hal-04765952] Water and pesticide transfers in undisturbed soil columns sampled from a Stagnic Luvisol and a Vermic Umbrisol both cultivated under conventional and conservation agriculture
Conservation agriculture consists of a combination of (i) a strong reduction of tillage, (ii) the diversification of crop rotations, and (iii) a permanent soil cover by living plants or residues. Under such practices, mechanical disturbances are minimised and the water and organic pollutant dynamics are deeply modified. In particular, a “vertical dominant” functioning is favoured, thus limiting erosion and runoff (behind surface water contamination). The risk of groundwater contamination is, however, generally favoured and even more problematic when the increase in weed pressure, due to reduced tillage, can lead to a greater use of herbicides. The objective of our study was to characterise water and pesticide transfers in two soils from the South West of France (Pyrénées-Atlantique and Gers regions) managed under contrasted agricultural practices (regularly tilled vs. conservation agriculture). To do so, we performed percolation experiment on undisturbed soil columns sampled from the surface horizon. A molluscicide (metaldehyde) and two herbicides (nicosulfuron and mesotrione) frequently detected in the rivers of the studied fields catchment area were used. They were applied all together with a conservative water tracer. Columns were submitted to a series of two rainfall events (high and low intensities) separated by a two-days flow interruption, while maintained under unsaturated conditions (- 80 cm). Preferential flows were evidenced at both sites and for both agricultural managements, but breakthrough curves showed a clearly different transport pattern between sites. At the Pyrénées-Atlantique site, behaviours were partly related to the pesticide sorption properties. Nicosulfuron and mesotrione were delayed compared to the tracer and slightly more under conservation agriculture. At the Gers site, we observed an early and simultaneous breakthrough of all substances under both management (independently of their sorption properties), suggesting a strong degree of preferential flow. At this site, experiments were carried out on shorter columns for the regularly tilled plot since a low conductive plow pan (evidenced by X-ray tomography) prevented flow beyond 20 cm. Due to this plow plan, surface and sub-surface runoff (observed in the field) are likely to be induced. Conservation agriculture practices performed for almost two decades seems, however, to have restored transfers to at least a 30 cm depth, favouring the risk of groundwater contamination.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Sixtine Cueff) 02 Dec 2024
[hal-04198580] Assessing the multiple effects of dissolved organic matter on the transport of organic pollutants in subsoil horizons through a modular modeling approach
The role of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the transport of trace organic pollutants through the soil profile remains controversial. Several studies reported enhanced transport for nonpolar pesticides and other pollutants such as pharmaceuticals (e.g., Borgman & Chefetz 2013). It is generally hypothesized that DOM modifies the sorption properties of the contaminants through cosorption and/or cumulative sorption (Totsche et al. 1997). Co-transport with DOM can also enhance the mobility of pollutants (Chabauty et al. 2016). Other authors reported little effect of DOM on both sorption or desorption of herbicides (e.g., Barriuso et al. 2011). To help elucidating the multiple roles of DOM, we developed the PolDOC model implemented in the VSoil modeling platform of INRAE. We took advantage of the modularity of the platform to couple available 1D water flow and solute transport models with novel reactivity modules for organic pollutants and DOM. Indeed, sink/source terms in the transport equation have been used to calculate the interactions between pollutants, DOM and the soil solid phase.The model was designed to simulate the transport of organic pollutants in intact soil cores sampled in the Bt horizon of a cultivated Albeluvisol to which either a synthetic soil solution without DOM (SYNTH), a soil solution extracted from the top horizon (CONTROL) or a soil solution extracted from the top horizon of a neighbour plot receiving sewage sludge and green waste compost (SGW) were applied (Chabauty et al., 2016). In PolDOC, the organic pollutants can be transported either free or associated with DOM. To describe the multiple roles of DOM in the transport of organic pollutants we first simplified the wide spectrum of organic molecules which constitute DOM and distinguished two types of DOM with different reactivity: DOMBt produced by depolymerization of the organic matter in the Bt soil horizon, and DOMSURF, produced by depolymerization of the organic matter of the surface horizon.The model was used to simulate the transport of both DOM types and three different organic pollutants: isoproturon (ISO), a mobile herbicide, epoxiconazole (EPX), a moderately mobile fungicide and sulfamethoxazole (SMX), a mobile antibiotic. Since pollutants are applied at the soil surface, we considered that organic pollutants will be more prone to interact with DOMSURF, which is rich in phenolic compounds. Physical nonequilibrium transport conditions were identified and quantified with PolDOC. Model showed that the Bt horizon acted as a sink to partly retain DOMSURF. While differences in ISO and SMX transport could be explained by different sorption reactivity with the soil solid phase, the increased leaching of EPX in presence of DOMSURF required the activation of co-transport with DOMSURF.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Pierre Benoit) 07 Sep 2023
[hal-04334105] Pesticide fate in soils
Pesticide molecules in soils undergo different processes of biological, physical and physico-chemical origin, and occurring over different time (minutes to decades) and spatial (nm to km) scales. Pesticides are represented by a diversity of molecules having contrasting physico-chemical properties inducing various kinds of behavior in terms of persistence, sorption, transport with the potential for contamination of water, uptake by plants, and possible impacts on soil biota and microbial processes. This chapter proposes an update of current available knowledge on the main processes and current state of the art of knowledge integration in pesticide fate models at the plot and watershed scales for environmental risk assessment.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Pierre Benoit) 10 Dec 2023
[hal-03618524] Transformation of PPCPs in the environment: Review of knowledge and classification of pathways according to parent molecule structures
Reviewing the transformation pathways and analyzing the reactions undergone according to the matrices and the parent compound chemical structures may help to progress in our understanding of transformation processes of PPCPs. Of the 199 parent molecules initially targeted, 42% had no information on their transformation products (TPs). The transformation of the remaining 116 PPCPs led to 1371 TPs formed by biotic (630), abiotic (568), and both biotic and abiotic (61) reactions in natural (solid waste, natural waters, soils, WWTP effluents, sediments) and/or synthetic matrices. For a small number of TPs (112) no information was found on the conditions of their formation. Eleven main transformation reactions (hydroxylation, dehydrogenation, cleavage, hydrolysis, dealkylation, oxygenation, dehalogenation, other eliminations, other substitutions, addition and rearrangement) were considered to describe the TPs dataset, that ended up with 3230 individual reactions (one TP can result from several successive reactions). Hydroxylation was the major reaction occurring at 28% followed by dehydrogenation (13%), then cleavage (11%). A majority of studies were performed in synthetic media whereas knowledge on transformation reactions in environmental matrices is very heterogeneous with less information on soils and sediments. Finally, we aimed at assessing the relationship between the transformation reactions and the chemical structures of the parent molecules using 1178 molecular fragments and molecular descriptors. Several clusters composed of sulfonamides, cyclines or macrolides showed trends between functional groups and reactions involved in the transformation pathways. Based on these data and results, some research needs were highlighted.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Kévin Bonnot) 03 Sep 2024
[hal-04874942] Les projets de recherche du Réseau REUSE et du Carnot Eau & Environnement pour accélérer le déploiement de solutions innovantes
Le Carnot est engagé dans le développement de partenariats entre la recherche publique et les entreprises – de la PME au grand groupe – ou les collectivités territoriales. En partenariat avec le réseau REUSE d'INRAE, le Carnot Eau & Environnement vous propose ici une liste non exhaustive des projets menés par nos chercheurs dans le champ de la REUSE. Dans le contexte de raréfaction de la ressource que l'on constate aujourd'hui, le terme de REUSE recouvre ici l'ensemble des approches permettant de donner de la valeur à des eaux ayant déjà été anthropisées. Lorsqu’on parle de REUSE, il s'agit d'englober les approches traditionnelles (réutilisation après traitement en station d'épuration pour un nombre d'usages encore actuellement très restreint) mais également toutes celles permettant de favoriser l'économie circulaire de l'eau dans le nexus eau-matière-énergie, y compris - par exemple - la séparation à la source. Le réseau REUSE d'INRAE a été créé pour fédérer l'ensemble des activités de recherche relatifs à la REUSE, en promouvant une approche intégrée, multi-échelle, très pluridisciplinaire et couvrant l'ensemble du spectre des *TRL, y compris les plus élevés, via de nombreuses collaborations avec le secteur privé. Notre objectif : favoriser le développement de nouvelles collaborations visant à accélérer le déploiement de solutions innovantes dans le domaine de la Réutilisation des Eaux Usées Traitées.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Elisabeth Vidal) 08 Jan 2025
[hal-04087038] Transferts de résidus de médicaments et biocides liés aux épandages de produits résiduaires organiques (projet Telesphore, bassin versant de l’Arve)
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jean-Luc Bertrand-Krajewski) 02 May 2023
[hal-04665732] Approche in silico pour analyser et prédire la transformation de contaminants organiques émergents dans l’environnement - Rapport final d'activités
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Kévin Bonnot) 31 Jul 2024
[hal-04665669] Reducing herbicide uses and losses in conservation agriculture – available knowledge and perspectives for weed control
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Pierre Benoit) 31 Jul 2024
[hal-04913450] Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur l’agroécologie ...
L’agroécologie n’existe pas seulement dans Dune avec le personnage de Liet Kynes, l’écologiste Impérial. Elle conçoit désormais des systèmes de production qui s’appuieraient sur les écosystèmes et leurs fonctionnalités afin de rendre possible une agriculture durable et respectueuse de l’environnement. Quels effets l’agroécologie pourrait-elle avoir sur le réchauffement climatique et sur le bien-être de l’humanité ?
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Corinne Robert) 27 Jan 2025
[hal-03843198] Pharmaceuticals residues and biocides from biosolids and manure spread as fertilizers: first results after one year field study
The Telesphore project aims to identify and to quantify the transfers of pharmaceuticals residues and biocides and their related processes from biosolids and manure spread on grassland as fertilizers. Real land-spreading conditions were reproduced on six in-situ lysimeters and the pathway of pharmaceuticals and biocides was tracked by sampling infiltrated water and soil over one year. The study has focused on 32 pharmaceuticals, biocides and their transformation products, selected from their previous detection in several organic fertilizers. Six months after biosolids and manure spreading, the soil concentrations were in the range of nanograms per gram of soil and only few compounds were detected in infiltrated water. Ketoprofen was found to be the most mobile and persistent pharmaceutical compound after biosolids application whereas thiabendazole was the most frequently detected substance in infiltrated water after manure amendment.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Noémie Pernin) 08 Nov 2022
[hal-04166908] Dynamique des contaminants organiques émergents au cours de la digestion anaérobie et dans les sols agricoles recevant des digestats
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Dominique Patureau) 20 Jul 2023
[hal-03699215] Enhancement of the impact score assessment of micropollutants release from WWTP using predicted characterization factors
During wastewater treatment, incomplete elimination of micropollutants occurs: effluents released to the environment still contain a non-negligible part of these substances. Recently, the potential impacts on human health and aquatic environment of the release of some micropollutants have been studied. The high impacts were mainly due to the (eco)-toxicological potential of a few numbers of compounds, not to their mass emitted in the environment. Furthermore, the impact was estimated for less than 1/3 of the initial list of substances due to a lack of concentration and toxicological data. In the present communication, we used already developed machine learning models to complement these impact calculations. The conclusions were not modified for the impact on aquatic environment, but were different for the human health impact: the higher toxicological impact could be driven by a high-emitted mass, and a high number of compounds could take a significant part of the overall impact.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Rémi Servien) 20 Jun 2022
[hal-03562863] A multiresidue analytical method on air and rainwater for assessing pesticide atmospheric contamination in untreated areas
The use of pesticides in agriculture to protect crops against pests and diseases generates environmental contamination. The atmospheric compartment contributes to their dispersion at different distances from the application areas and to the exposure of organisms in untreated areas through dry and wet deposition. A multiresidue analytical method using the same TD–GC–MS analytical pipeline to quantify pesticide concentrations in both the atmosphere and rainwater was developed and tested in natura. A Box-Behnken experimental design was used to identify the best compromise in extraction conditions for all 27 of the targeted molecules in rainwater. Extraction yields were above 80% except for the pyrethroid family, for which the recovery yields were around 40–59%. TD–GC–MS proved to be a good analytical solution to detect and quantify pesticides in both target matrices with low limits of quantification. Twelve pesticides (six fungicides, five herbicides and one insecticide) were quantified in rainwater at concentrations ranging from 0.5 ng·L−1 to 170 ng·L−1 with a seasonal effect, and a correlation was found between the concentrations in rainwater and air. The calculated cumulative wet deposition rates are discussed regarding pesticide concentrations in the topsoil in untreated areas for some of the studied compounds.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Céline Décuq) 23 Feb 2024
[hal-04166866] Effets d'apports répétés au champ de boues et de boues compostées sur les teneurs en résidus de médicaments dans les sols
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Marjolaine Bourdat-Deschamps) 20 Jul 2023
[hal-03346134] Improved impact assessment of micropollutants release from WWTPs
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Rémi Servien) 06 Dec 2021
[hal-04559000] TyPol - Typologie des Contaminants Organiques
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Dominique Patureau) 25 Apr 2024
[hal-03776391] RePP'Air - Comprendre les mécanismes de transferts de produits phytosanitaires dans l'air pour une appropriation par la profession agricole.
Le projet RePP’Air vise à mieux appréhender les processus de transferts de produits phytosanitaires dans l'air via la mise en place d'un réseau de 7 dispositifs de mesures sur des espaces agricoles français, associé à des enquêtes de pratiques agricoles sur chaque site. Après 4 années d’étude, le projet RePP’Air a permis de mieux comprendre les mécanismes influençant les transferts dans l’air, sensibiliser la profession, de façon à ce que le secteur agricole soit d’approprie ce sujet et les leviers d’actions existants pour limiter les risques de transfert. Des pistes de travail à approfondir ont également été identifiées. La richesse de ce projet réside aussi dans son partenariat inédit entre les acteurs agricoles, les acteurs de l’air, de la recherche agronomique et de l’enseignement agricole qui a permis d’avancer sur cette thématique d’intérêts partagés
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Laëtitia Prevost) 13 Sep 2022
[hal-03920181] Accuracy of Computational Chemistry Methods to Calculate Organic Contaminant Molecular Properties
The quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) methodology has been developed and extensively used to predict unknown environmental data for compounds that have not been experimentally studied yet. QSAR is based on a large series of descriptors: such as the number of atoms, the number of bonds… (descriptive), or based on the 2D structure of the molecule (connectivity indices…) or on its 3D structure (dipole moment, polarizability…). Among them, quantum-based 3D descriptors appear as promising tools to predict macroscopic environmental properties. For a set of 104 pharmaceuticals and personal care products, four quantum-based 3D descriptors (electric dipole moment, polarizability, HOMO energy and ionization potential) were calculated using different computational chemistry strategies involving a conformational search followed by local quenches within three different frameworks: density functional theory (DFT), semi-empirical Austin Model 1 (AM1) approach, and density functional based tight binding (DFTB). Comparing the results obtained using each framework highlights the necessity of a comprehensive conformational search and the use of an accurate potential for the local quenches. Using the combination of a global exploration through molecular dynamics with local quenches at B3LYP/6-31G* (DFT) allows the calculation of accurate and tractable quantum-based 3D descriptors.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Kevin Bonnot) 03 Jan 2023
[hal-03216922] Correction to: How effective are strategies to control the dissemination of antibiotic resistance in the environment? A systematic review (vol 9, 4, 2020)
Correction to: Environ Evid (2020) 9:4 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13750-020-0187-xFollowing publication of the original article [1], the authors reported that the Additional file 10 is a duplicate of the additional file 8. The correct Additional file 10 has been attached in this correction.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Anais Goulas) 04 May 2021
[hal-03542417] Biodegradation by activated sludge and feedback impact on the microbial community: comparison of methotrexate and its eco-designed analogue
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Anaïs Espinosa) 25 Jan 2022
[hal-03499608] A review on organic micropollutants photodegradation process to develop a QSAR model
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Maria C. Villarin) 21 Dec 2021
[hal-04336582] Introduction du Workshop Imagerie des Sols
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Pierre Benoit) 11 Dec 2023
[hal-03303236] Modélisation intégrée du devenir des pesticides dans le paysage
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Marc Voltz) 28 Jul 2021
[hal-04334367] Les processus de transfert des pesticides dans les sols : déterminants et pistes d’actions
Les processus de transfert de molécules chimiques dans l’environnement sont étudiés par INRAE. Ces recherches visent à mieux comprendre les interactions entre les substances utilisées pour l’agriculture et le milieu (notamment le sol) et identifier les phénomènes les plus influents dans leur transfert vers les masses d’eau (parmi les nombreuses possibilités : propriétés du sol, des molécules, régime hydrologique, climat, …). Au-delà de l’enjeu de prédiction des flux de pesticides qui seront transférés, ces références peuvent se révéler utiles pour les animateurs de démarches de préservation de la qualité des captages d’eau potable. Un état des connaissances actuelles sur le devenir des molécules phytosanitaires dans le sol sera réalisé le 10 juin 2021 (11h) dans le cadre d’un webinaire organisé par le Centre de Ressources Captages piloté par l’OFB. Pourquoi certains produits phytosanitaires ont plus de risques de transiter vers les nappes ? Quelles pratiques agricoles sont favorables à la réduction des quantités de pesticides dans les eaux ? Pierre BENOIT, Directeur de Recherche à INRAE, présentera des résultats de travaux scientifiques sur les interactions entre molécules et sol pour contribuer à apporter une réponse à ces questions. Ce séminaire est principalement destiné aux animateurs d'aires d'alimentation de captages et plus généralement aux personnes intéressées par le devenir des produits phytosanitaires dans le sol.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Pierre Benoit) 10 Dec 2023
[hal-03266431] Les processus de transfert des pesticides dans les sols : déterminants et pistes d’actions
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Pierre Benoit) 21 Jun 2021
[hal-03266007] Review on PPCP transformation products in the environment: Towards a classification of transformation pathways based on the chemical structures of parent molecules
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Kévin Bonnot) 21 Jun 2021
[hal-03108838] Adsorption and degradation of the herbicide nicosulfuron in a stagnic Luvisol and Vermic Umbrisol cultivated under conventional or conservation agriculture
The main goals of conservation agriculture are to enhance soil fertility and reduce soil degradation, especially through erosion. However, conservation agriculture practices can increase the risk of contamination by pesticides, mainly through vertical transfer via water flow. Better understanding of their sorption and degradation processes is thus needed in conservation agriculture as they control the amount of pesticide available for vertical transfer. The purpose of our study was to investigate the sorption and degradation processes of nicosulfuron in soil profiles (up to 90 cm deep) of a Vermic Umbrisol and a Stagnic Luvisol managed either in conventional or in conservation agriculture. Two laboratory sorption and incubation experiments were performed. Low sorption was observed regardless of the soil type, agricultural management or depth, with a maximum value of 1.3 +/- 2.0 L kg(-1). By the end of the experiment (91 days), nicosulfuron mineralisation in the Vermic Umbrisol was similar for the two types of agricultural management and rather depended on soil depth (29.0 +/- 2.3% in the 0-60-cm layers against 7.5 +/- 1.4% in the 60-90 cm). In the Stagnic Luvisol, nicosulfuron mineralisation reached similar value in every layer of the conservation agriculture plot (26.5% +/- 0.7%). On the conventional tillage plot, mineralisation decreased in the deepest layer (25-60 cm) reaching only 18.4 +/- 6.9% of the applied nicosulfuron. Regardless of the soil type or agricultural management, non-extractable residue formation was identified as the main dissipation process of nicosulfuron (45.1 +/- 8.5% and 50.2 +/- 7.0% under conventional and conservation agriculture respectively after 91 days). In our study, nicosulfuron behaved similarly in the Vermic Umbrisol regardless of the agricultural management, whereas the risk of transfer to groundwater seemed lower in the Stagnic Luvisol under conservation agriculture.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Sixtine Cueff) 29 Nov 2024
[hal-03201288] Assessment of pesticide volatilization potential based on their molecular properties using the TyPol tool
Following treatment, amounts of pesticides can reach the atmosphere because of spray drift, volatilization from soil or plants, and/or wind erosion. Monitoring and risk assessment of air contamination by pesticides is a recent issue and more insights on pesticide transfer to atmosphere are needed. Thus, the objective of this work was to better understand and assess pesticide emission potentials to air through volatilization. The TyPol tool was used to explore the relationships between the global, soil and plant volatilization potentials of 178 pesticides, and their molecular properties. The outputs of TyPol were then compared to atmospheric pesticide concentrations monitored in various French regions. TyPol was able to discriminate pesticides that were observed in air from those that were not. Clustering considering parameters driving the emission potential from soil (sorption characteristics) or plant (lipophilic properties), in addition to vapor pressure, allowed better discrimination of the pesticides than clustering considering all parameters for the global emission potential. Pesticides with high volatilization potential have high total energy, and low molecular weight, molecular connectivity indices and polarizability. TyPol helped better understand the volatilization potentials of pesticides. It can be used as a first step to assess the risk of air contamination by pesticides.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Laure Mamy) 09 Aug 2023
[hal-02968489] Residues of currently used pesticides in soils and earthworms: A silent threat?
Critical knowledge gaps about environmental fate and unintentional effects of currently used pesticides (CUPs) hamper the understanding and mitigation of their global impacts on ecological processes. We investigated the exposure of earthworms to 31 multiclass CUPs in an arable landscape in France. We highlighted the presence of at least one pesticide in all soils (n=180) and 92% of earthworms (n=155) both in treated crops and nontreated habitats (hedgerows, grasslands, and cereals under organic farming). Mixtures of at least one insecticide, one herbicide, and one fungicide (> limit of quantification) contaminated 90% of soils and 54% of earthworms at levels that could endanger these nontarget beneficial soil organisms. A high risk of chronic toxicity to earthworms was found (46% of samples) both in treated winter cereals and nontreated habitats considered as refuges. This may alter biodiversity, hinder recovery, and impair ecosystem functions. These results provide essential insights for sustainable agriculture and CUP regulation, and highlight the potential of pesticides as agents of global change.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Céline Pelosi) 27 Nov 2020
[hal-03355573] Photodégradation d’un anticancéreux en milieu aqueux
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Anaïs Espinosa) 27 Sep 2021