Research director: Biogeochemistry, Soil science, Grassland ecology, Agroecosystem, Ecosystem-sustainability


Dr. habil. Abad CHABBI, Research Director at the INRA, is a plant ecologist and soil biogeochemist. He worked at the Louisiana State University, USA; the Faculty of Environmental Science in Cottbus, Germany; the University of Pierre & Marie, Curie (UPMC), France; and the INRA research council where he has been leading the national Observatory for Environmental Research-Agro-Ecosystems, Biogechemical Cycles and Biodiversity ( since 2009. His areas of expertise are ecology and soil biogeochemistry. He has worked on the ecology and biogeochemistry of land-water interfaces, the effect of plant on soil organic matter dynamics and ecosystem responses to disturbance. His current research centers on understanding the link between soil carbon sequestration, nutrient availability and stoichiometry in the Plant-Soil System, plant diversity and the influence of land use management and climate change may have on these dynamics.

During his career, Dr. Chabbi has coordinated a number of pluridisciplinary projects at a national and international level, chaired and organized numerous international symposiums and edited books and several special issues of leading international journals. He is the Associated Editor of AoB Plants Oxford Journals, the Journal of Agricultural Research,member of the Editorial Board of Water Air and Soil Pollution Journal (2009-2012) and reviewer of dozens of peer review journals of environmental sciences. He has presented a number of keynote seminars around the world.

Currently, Dr Chabbi is a member/expert of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, the Chinese Academy of Science, the German Research Science Foundation (DFG), the Hercules Foundation (Hercules stichting) Belgium, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) UK, the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) UK and of the European commission (DG Research & Innovation and DG Agriculture and Rural Development).

Dr. Chabbi is the coordinator of two strategic European FP7 projects: “EXPEER” ( and “ANAEE” ( Since April 2013 he has also been leading the C2 component of the Ecosystems Task at GEO (Group on Earth Observations).  

Marital Status


Born 9th April 1966, in Larache, Marocco,

German citizen,

Married, one daughter.



Habilitation, Earth Science & Biogeochemistry, University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris VI, Paris (France) and Technical University of Cottbus, Germany (BTU-Cottbus), Cottbus, Germany. 

Disserrtation: “Ecological and biogeochemical processes in mining disturbed landscape: Plant adaptation and organic matter turnover”, 70p.


Ph.D., Ecology, Bordeaux University Bordeaux I (France)

Dissertation:  Ecological conditions and vegetation dynamics in the Marocco Rif mountain, 273p. Ref. 03NANT3021.


Master (DEA) in Ecology, Bordeaux University Bordeaux I (France). Thesis:  Contribution à l'étude des types de peuplement d’une subéraiatlantique dans un but d’aménagement.


Master, in Biogeography, University Mohammed Ben Abdallah, Fès (Marocco). Thesis: Contribution à l’étude de la dégradation des massifs forestiers dans la province de Larache- Maroc: essai d’une évaluation.

Research Experience


Director of Research, Ecology, biogeochemistry and sustainable Agroecosystem, INRA Poitou-Charentes and INRA Versailles, France.


Research Scientist in Agroecology, Soil Science and Biogeochemistry INRA Poitou-Charentes and INRA Versailles, France.


Research Scientist in soil science and Biogeochemistry, Biomco Laboratory, University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris VI, Paris, France.


Assistant Professor in Ecology and Biogeochemistry, Faculty of Environmental Sciences Brandenburg Technical University (BTU-Cottbus), Cottbus, Germany


Visiting Scientist at the Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute, Louisiana State University, USA


Post-doctorat, Soil Science (Plante soil-water interface). Chair of Soil protection and Recultivation, Faculté des Sciences de l’Environnement, Université Technique de Brandenburg, Cottbus, Allemagne.


Consultant at the “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)” GmbH, Eschborn, Germany


Research Assistant, Chair of Soil science Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Freising, Germany 

Teaching & Mentoring

Graduate Student Advising (1996-present), see below

Teaching at the Faculty of Environmetal Sciences, BTU-Cottbus Germany (1996-2003)
  • Soil Science
  • Wetlands biogeochemistry
  • Wastewater treatement,
  • Enviromental toxicology
  • Ecological engineering
Teaching at the Pierre and Marie Curie university – Paris France
  • Stable Isotopes in ecology
  • Grassland ecology
  • Soil organic matter dynamics


Funded Research Proposals (1996-present)

Project coordinator


European FP7 call– Project: Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems. Funded for €3.5 mln


European FP7 call– Project: Sites and experimental platforms for long-term ecosystem research” (ExpeER) Funded for €7.5 mln  (


Programme Procope Germany – France- Project: Carbon flows and soil organic matter as influenced by plant species composition. Funded for €30 000.


ECCO-PNBC national call (coordinator)- Project: Nature and reactivity of dissolved organic matter in agroecosystems: the effect of the introduction of temporary grassland pesticides retention and leaching. Funded for €150 000.


Excellence Environmental programme (National France)- Projet: Impacts of drought on the nature and dynamics of soil organic matter: effects on water quality and on the carbon cycle in the ley. Funded for €180 000.


The French National Research Agency programme (ANR)-ECCO-011 (coordinator)- Project: Organic matter stabilization processes in deep horizons under cultivation or grassland soils mamangement. Funded for €250 000.


Ministry for Education, Science and Technology (BMBF)-Project: Organic matter and lignite decomposition at the land water interactions in acidic mining lakes sediments: carbon cycle and alkalinity generation. Funded for €420 000.


Projet-Ministry for Education, Science and Technology (BMBF) call- Project: Adaptations and survival strategies of pioneer plants in mining containing lake sediments: Role of redox chemistry. Funded for €550 000.

 Involved/partner in the following projects:


The New Zealand Fund for Global Partnerships in Livestock Emissions Research- Project: Management options for increasing soil carbon in grasslands: measuring and modelling SOM turnover and carbon stabilisation in pasture soils. (Coord. P. Millard). WP leader funded for €185 000.


Horizon 2020 call SFS-04-2014- Project:  LAND Management: Assessment, Research, Knowledge base (LANDMARK). (Coord. R. Creamer). Subtask leader funded €16 000.


Horizon 2020 call INFRADEV4-2014- Project: Environmental Research Infrastructures providing shared solutions for science and society. (Coord W. Kutsch). Leader of 2 WPs funded for €390 000.


The French National Research Agency programme (ANR)-Project: Estimation of the soil Available Water Content by direct measurements and crop-model inversion, from the plot to the territory scales (RUEdesSOLS). (Coord. I. Cousin). Taslk leader funded for €15 000.


The Frensh Environment Agency and the Energy Management (ADEME)- Project: Factor impacting the CO2, H2O and solar radiation net ecosystem exchanges over forests, grasslands and crops (Coord. Bernard Longdoz). Task leader funded for €15 000.


The Frensh Environment Agency and the Energy Management (ADEME)- Projet: Mitigation of GHG emissions in grassland systems (Coord. Cornelia Rumpel) Task leader funded for €18 000.


The French National Research Agency programme (ANR)- Project: ANAlysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems – Services  (Coord. J. Clobert and A. Chanzy). Leader of 2 WPs funded for  €120 000.


European FP7 call- Project: An integration of mitigation and adaptation options for sustainable livestock production under climate change (ANIMALCHANGE) (Coord. J-F Soussana). Task leader funded for €60 000.


European FP7 call- Project Ecological function and biodiversity indicators in European soils (EcoFINDERS) (Coord. P. Lemanceau). Task leader fuded for €15 000.


“European FP7 call- Project: Greenhouse Gas Management in European Land Use Systems (Coord. A. Freibauer). Task leader funded for €50 000.


The French National Research Agency programme (ANR)-Project: Link between microbial diversity and the turnover of organic matter in agricultural soils (Coord. P-A Maron). Task leader funded for €45 000.


European FP7 call- Project: An European Research Infrastructure for the Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems (ANAEE). (Coord. G. Lemaire). Task leader funded for €50 000.


ACI ECCO PNBC call – Projet: Andosols as model to study the stabilization of organic matter by organo-mineral interactions (Coord. C. Rumpel). WP Leader funded for €90 000


The Frensh Environment Agency and the Energy Management- GESOIL call- Project: Coupling soil organic matter dynamic, soil microbial communities and C-N fluxes: effects of changes in agricultural practices and environmental impacts. (Coord. X. Le Roux & S. Recous). Task leader funded for €50 000.  


ACI ECCO PNBC call- Project: Dynamics and stabilization of MOS in tropical soils: influence of burning, erosion and cultivation. (Coord. C. Rumpel) Task leader funded for €30 000.


Ministry for Education, Science and Technology (BMBF)-Project: Constructed wetlands as tools for treating acid mine waters: biogenic alkalinisation processes. (Coord. W. Pietsh). WP Leader funded for €185 000.


USA, South Florida Water Management District call- Project: Hydrological effects and managements practices on vegetations changes in the southern Everglades – Florida USA (Coord. I. Mendelssohn). WP leader funded for €60 000.

Head-Group leader activities


Head –scientific coordinator of the national observatory SOERE-ACBB (http://www.soere-


Group leader “Soil-water interface and redox reactions group” Chair of soil protection and recultuvation, BTU Cottbus, (Germany).


Module responssability at the BTU-Cottbus (Germany): soil-water interface and soil biological functioning.


Responsible of the Bachelor & Master degrees at the BTU-Cottbus.

Chairman/Convener of International Symposiums and Workshops

Sept. 2014  

Chairman of the International Conference on “Experimentation in Ecosystem Research in a Changing World: Challenges and Opportunities”. Paris 24-25 Septembe, Paris France (150 participants).

Sept. 2013

Chairman of the international Workshop “SOERE-ACBB: a long-term Agro-Ecosystem Research integrated infrastructure” 17-18 September 2013, Biarritz, France (80 participants).

Oct. 2011

Chiarman of the workshop “Drought and ecosystem functions: mechanisms and processes October14-15, Poitiers, France (60 participants).

May 2010

Convener of the symposium "Deep soil organic matter – a relevant component in biogeochemical cycles", EGU General Assembly, Vienna, May 3-6, Vienna (Austria) (100 participants).

Sept. 2010

Co-Chairman of the symposium “Soil organic matter stabilization and function", September 19-23 Presqu’île de Giens, Côte d’Azur (France) (200 participants).

Jun 2010  

Chairman of the workshop" Soil and Nutrient Cycling in Grassland Ecosystem" June 3rd-4th Bois de la Marche-Ligugé, Poitiers (France) (110 participants).

April 2009   

Convener of the symposium "Long-term platforms as tool for understanding biogeochemical cycles under climate change" organisé dans les cadre de l’EGU, April 19-24 Vienna (Austria) (80 participants)

July 2007    

Chairman of the “International Symposium on Organic Matter Dynamics in Agro-Ecosystems" July 16-19, Poitiers (France) (350 participants).

Oct. 2002

Chairman of the symposium“Biological and chemical perspectives of ecosystem disturbance”, October 2-4, Cottbus (Allemagne) (150 participants).

Aug. 2000

Chairman of the Symposium "Plants and Organisms in Stressed Wetland Environments" VI INTECOL – Millennium Wetland Event – August 2000, Quebec (Canada) (110 participants)

Committees and Task Forces


Expert member of the DG Research & Innovation, European Commission


Expert member of the DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission


Expert member of the scientific advisory committee of the Evaluation of Pertinence and Impact of Research Infrastructure Activity in FP7 – European Commission DG Research and innovation, Brussels


Member of the scientific committee working group “Towards a Roadmap for Biodiversity and Ecosystem research in Europe” - European Commission DG Research and innovation, Brussels.


Leader of the "C2 component of the Ecosystems Task GEO (Group on Earth Observations)"


Expert member of the DFG, German Research Foundation.


Expert member/Chair of the commission ²Hercules Foundation for Investments in Research and Innovation", Brussels.


Expert member of NERC & BBSRC, London UK


Expert member of the ICOS (Integrated carbon observatory system) executive comitte, France.


Expert member of the FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture.


Expert of the COST-ACTION calls.


Expert Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Expert Member of the Estonian Science Foundation.


Member expert of the assessment committee of Padova University, Italy.

Editorial activities


Associate editor of the Journal of Agricultural Research


Associate Editor of the AoB PLANTS, Oxford


Membre of the editorial board of the Journal Water Air andSoil Pollution, Springer



Environmental & Experimental Botany


Water, Air and Soil Pollution


European Journal of Soil Science


Nutrient Cyling in Agroecosystems


Organic Geochemistry

Manuscript Reviewer:

Agricultural and Food Science; Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment; Agriculture & Environment; Applied Soil Ecology; Australian Journal of Soil Research; Biology and Fertility of Soils; Canadian Journal of Soil Science; Catena; Computers and Electronics in Agriculture; Ecological Engineering; Ecology; Ecosystems; Environmental Management; European Journal of Soil Biology; European Journal of Soil Science; Field Crops Research; Geoderma; Global Change Biology; Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science; Journal of Agronomy; Journal of Environmental Quality; Microbial Ecology; NewPhytologist; Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems; Oecologia; Organic Geochemistry; Plant and Soil; Soil and Tillage; Soil Biology and Biochemistry; PLoS ONE; Water Resources Research; Journal Water Air andSoil Pollution; Nutrient Cyling in Agroecosystems…



  • Panettierri Marco (2015-2017): Investigating the fate of organic compound classes in soil matrix: mineralization vs. preservation patterns in agricultural lands.
  • SENAPATI Nimai (2012-2015): Models performance and models inter-comparison on long-term integrated agroecosystem manipulation experiments (DayCent, COUP, PaSim)
  • HARAGUCHI, Akira (2000-2001): Seasonal change in the redox property and organic matter degradation.


  • CREME Alexandra (2013-2015), ongoing, (Co-encadrement, Cornelia Rumpel 50/50)
  • GIOSTRI, André (2012-2014): Completed.
  • SIMON Nadler (2008-2011): Complted, (Co-encadrement Pierre Benoit 50/50)
  • LAVAUD Aurélien (2006-2010): Complted (Co-encadrement Phillipe Croué 50/50).
  • SANAULLAH Muhammad (2007-2010): Complted (Co-encadrement, Cornelia Rumpel 50/50)
  • MONI, Christophe (2004-2007): (Abad Chabbi 30%)

Master Students

  • 1996-2014 : over 20 masters thesis   


  • Evan O'Connell, IR2 (2012-2016), AnaEE Communication/Lobbying Officer
  • Emilie Guldner, IE2 (2011-2015), ExpeER communication


Refereed Journals

  See :

Special Issues Guest-Editor
  1. Chabbi, A. & Rumpel C. 2012: Organic isotopes in soil. Organic Geochemistry, 42(12), Elsevier.
  2. Chabbi, A. 2010. Soil and Nutrient Cycling in Grassland Ecosystem: Implications for sustainable management. Nutrient Cycling in Agro-ecosystems, 88, SpringerLink
  3. Chabbi, A. & Rumpel C. 2009: Organic matter dynamics in agro-ecosystems. European Journal of Soil Science, 60, Wiley-Balckwell Publicher.
  4. Chabbi, A. & hüttl, r.f. 2003: Biological and Chemical Perspectives of Ecosystem Disturbance. Water Air and Soil Pollution-Focus 3(1), Kluwer Academic Publisher.
  5. Chabbi, A. pezeshki s.r. & ernst w.h. 2001: Plants and Organisms in Stressed Wetland Environments. Environmental & Experimental Botany, 46(3), Elesevier Science.
  1. Lemaire, G., Hodgson, J. & Chabbi, A. 2011. Grassland productivity and ecosystem services. CABI International, 287 Pages / 9781845938093. 

Corps :


Equipe :


TS Contaminants / Biodiversité Paysage

Année d'arrivée à l'INRAE :


Fonction principale et transversale, responsabilités :

Responsable Scientifique de l’observatoire ACBB multi-sites, coordinateur de projets national et international, membre /chair de commission d’évaluation au niveau international,

Membre du laboratoire du réseau national d'observation écologique (NEON), Boulder, Colorado, USA, Professeur invité à BIOREN-UFRO, Temuco, Chili, Nanjing, Chine

Ce que je fais : 

Usage des sols, stœchiométrie CNP et stockage/déstockage du carbone sous l'effet du changement climatique.

Techniques, instruments, méthodes et dispositifs utilisés :

Isotopie, chimie humide, et dispositifs de long durés  (cf., ACBB)

En dehors du travail (centres d’intérêt):

Course à pied et autres activités sportives 

Lien personnel (Linkedin, page perso…) :

Modification date: 07 November 2023 | Publication date: 09 April 2015 | By: Sophie Formisano