Chargée de Recherche : Transport pesticides, modélisation, physique des sols

Education & Background

Ph. D. in Water Science and Mechanics - University of Paris VI, Pierre & Marie Curie (1994).

Study of transport and phase change in porous medium at the microscopic scale, by Lattice-Gas method

M. Sc. in Quantitative Hydrology and Hydrogeology - University of Paris VI, Pierre & Marie Curie (1991).

Magister in Earth Sciences - Ecole Normale Supérieure of Paris, University of Paris VI, Pierre & Marie Curie, University of South-Paris (1991).

Career History

2000-present: INRA research scientist - Environment and Arable Crops - Soil Group - Joint research unit INRA & AgroParisTech - F-78850 Thiverval-Grignon - France

Modeling of multi-process transport of pesticides through soils

1996-2000: INRA research scientist - Laboratory of Isotopic Biogeochemics - Joint research unit INRA, CNRS, University of Paris VI Pierre & Marie Curie - F-75005 Paris

Modeling of the partition of evapotranspiration between plant transpiration and soil evaporation with the help of isotopic tools (2H,18O)

1995-1996: Post-doc scientist - Laboratory for Waste Management - Paul Scherrer Institute - Wurenlingen and Villigen - CH-5232 PSI Villigen - Switzerland

Modeling of colloidal transport in saturated porous medium, by Lattice-Gas method

Research Interests

*Transport of pesticides through soils: coupling between physical, physico-chemical and biological processes affecting pesticide dissipation in soils

* Non-equilibrium transport models (double-porosity, multiple permeability, kinetic sorption)

* Hydrodynamic dispersion of reactive solutes in porous media

* Explicit description of soil pore space and soil bio-physico-chemical heterogeneities at the pore scale

* Cellular automata (Lattice Gas, Lattice Boltzmann)

* Tomographic images and thin-sections of soils

Current Projects and recently completed projects

Spatial modeling of pesticides dynamics in soil porosity - 2007-2008 - Innovative scientific project INRA

Spatial heterogeneities induced by incorporation of organic waste products at the scale of crop profile: description and modeling of their impacts on the dynamic of mineral and organic micropollutants - 2004-2007 - French National Project ACI "ECCO"




Corps :


Equipe :


Année d'arrivée à l'INRAE :


Formation :

DEA Hydrologie, Hydrogéologie Quantitative (Paris VI)

Thèse sur la modélisation de l’évaporation dans les milieux poreux aux échelles microscopiques

Fonction principale et transversale, responsabilités :

Chercheuse, co-animation du TS Climat, participation au groupe de travail INRAE Modélisation des Agroécosystèmes, référente du laboratoire de Physique du Sol

Ce que je fais : 

Rôle des non-équilibre d’origine physique et/ou chimique dans les transferts d’eau et de substrats carbonés dans les sols (échelle profil de sol) ; rôle de l’architecture des sols dans le devenir des matières organiques et des contaminants organiques ; mise en œuvre d’un changement d’échelle pour intégrer les informations obtenues sur les interactions se produisant aux échelles des habitats microbiens (lieux de la biodégradation) vers des modèles macroscopiques à échelle continentale.

Techniques, instruments, méthodes et dispositifs utilisés :

infiltration sur colonnes de sol non perturbé, modèles 1D et 3D, tomographie rayons X, analyse d’images, plateforme de modélisation Vsoil



See also


Pot V., Genty A. – 2007 – Dispersion dependence on retardation in a real fracture geometry using lattice-gas cellular automaton.

Advances in Water Resources, 30, 273-283.

Vincent A., Benoit P., Pot V., Madrigal I., Delgado-Moreno L., Labat C. - 2007 - Impact of different land uses on the migration of two herbicides in a silt loam soil: unsaturated soil column displacement studies.

European Journal of Soil Science, 58, 1, 320-328.

Delgado-Moreno L., Sánchez L., Castillo A., Pot V., Peňa A. – 2007 – Behavior of bensulfuron-methyl in an agricultural alkaline soil.

Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B, 42, 241-248.

Dousset S., Thevenot M., Pot V., Šimůnek J., Andreux F. - 2007 - Evaluating equilibrium and non-equilibrium transport of bromide and isoproturon in disturbed and undisturbed soil columns.

Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 94, 261-276.

Pot V., Genty A. - 2005 - Sorbing and non-sorbing solute migration in rough fractures with a multi-species LGA model: dispersion dependence on retardation and roughness.

Transport in Porous Media, 59, 2, 175-196.

Pot V., Šimůnek J., Benoit P., Coquet Y., Yra A., Martinez-Cordon M.J. - 2005 - Impact of rainfall intensity on the transport of two herbicides in undisturbed grassed filter strip soil cores.

Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 81, 63-88.

Coquet Y., Simunek J., Coutadeur C., Van Genuchten M.T., Pot V., Roger-Estrade J. - 2005 - Water and solute transport in a cultivated silt loam soil. 2. Numerical analysis.

Vadose Zone Journal, 4, 3, 587-601.

Pot V., Karapiperis T. - 2000 - A multi-species lattice-gas automaton model to study passive and reactive tracer migration in 2D fractures.

European Physical Journal B, 13, 387-393.

Pot V., Appert C., Melayah A., Rothman D.H., Zaleski S. - 1996 - Interacting lattice gas automaton study of liquid-gas properties in porous media.

Journal de Physique II, 6, 1517-1534.