

Châlons Oilseed Rape Data Base

Châlons Oilseed Rape Data Base

INRA Grignon/Châlons/Laon/Dijon - ADEME - CETIOM

This data base dedicated to the experiments carried out during 994/95 at Rafidin : Oilseed rape crop environmental balances.

To access : Ecobilans Châlons Oilseed Rape Data Base

See also

Gosse Ghislain, Cellier Pierre, Denoroy Pascal, Gabrielle Benoît, Laville Patricia, Leviel Bruno, Justes Eric, Nicolardot Bernard, Mary Bruno, Recous Sylvie, Germon Jean-Claude, Hénault Catherine & Leech P.K. . 1999. Water, carbon and nitrogen cycling in a rendzina soil cropped with winter oilseed rape: the Châlons Oilseed Rape Database. Agronomie, 19, 119-124.

Modification date: 28 August 2023 | Publication date: 04 August 2010 | By: Nathalie Gagnaire