projet cadastre


Spatial and temporal high-resolution inventory of ammonia emissions from agricultural soils over France at regional and national scales)

Period :


Funding :


Contacts EcoSys :

Sophie Génermont, Jean-Marc Gilliot

Contributions EcoSys (Soil Science and Bioclimatology groups) :

Julie Ramanantenasoa, Olivier Maury, Erwan Personne, Benjamin Loubet, Carole Bedos, Pierre Cellier, Réa Massad, Benoît Gabrielle, Jean-Louis Drouet, Joël Michelin, Sabine Houot, Dalila Hadjar, Paul-Emile Noirot Cosson, Florence Tardy.

Partnerships :
The project focuses on three work-packages:

The first work-package concerns the process-base modeling of physical, chemical and biological process at the field scale. It involves the coupling of two models developed at the UMR EcoSys: Volt'Air, the process-based predictive model of ammonia volatilization on bare soil and SurfAtm, the SVAT model (soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer) for the description of the exchange of ammonia between the soil, the plant and the atmosphere.
The second work-package relates to the implementation of geographical information system (GIS) methods including the crossing of the information layers to map and generate the model inputs. It implies the constitution of several geo-referenced databases: soil, climate, land-use and management. The project will particularly focus on the cultural practice database, as a consequence of the lack of references on organic fertilization practices in France.
The last work-package concerns the generation of the dynamic and spatially-explicit emission inventories. A methodological component should allow analyzing to what extent the aggregation and the loss of information related to the change of scale alter the values of the emissions. Finally, we will apply this approach to the prospective study of the effect of the implementation of the policies/guidelines for abating ammonia emissions (annex IX of the Gothenburg Protocol (1999)).

Details of the project

See also

Publications :

Ramanantenasoa, M. M. J. (2012). Impacts des pratiques culturales sur les émissions d’ammoniac : cas du colza et du tournesol. Rapport de fin de stage de M2, Master Développement Agricole Durable : la sécurité alimentaire pour le développement, Université Paris-Sud - Faculté Jean Monnet, 56 p.

Noirot-Cosson, P.-E. (2012). Participation au couplage des modèles d'émission d'ammoniac : Volt'Air et SurfAtm : étude de la prise en compte de l'effet de l'assèchement du sol sur l'évaporation. Mémoire de fin d'étude, Diplôme d'ingénieur Agronome d'AgroParisTech et Diplôme d'Agronomie Approfondie AgroParisTech, 53 p.

Tardy, F. (2012). Etude du déterminisme des échanges d’ammoniac entre une culture de blé fertilisée et l’atmosphère : contribution du sol, des stomates et des cuticules. Rapport de stage de Master Sciences et Technologies du Vivant et de l’Environnement, Ingénieur Agronome d’AgroParisTech, 44 p.