2013-2016 PERFORM

Modeling approaches considering spatial and temporal variability and uncertainties propagation to assess and to compare the environmental performances of innovative cropping systems designed to reduce the use of pesticides

Period :


Responsible :

Laure Mamy

Partners :

  • INRA, UR 251 PESSAC INRA-AgroParisTech,
  • UMR 1402 EcoSys INRA-INP Toulouse,
  • UMR 1248 AGIRACTAINP-EI Purpan
  • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Suède

Description :

The objective of the Perform project is to develop a modelling approach allowing the assessment and the comparison of the environmental performances of innovative cropping systems designed to reduce the use of pesticides considering (1) spatial and temporal variability of agro-pedo-climatic conditions, and (2) uncertainties related to molecules, media and models.