ECOScience du 5 juillet 2024

05 July 2024

Max De Antoni

Soils, rivers & greenhouse gas emissions at the Queensland Department of Environment, Science and Innovation - conducting & translating research for policy makers and stakeholders

  • Soils, rivers & greenhouse gas emissions at the Queensland Department of Environment, Science and Innovation - conducting & translating research for policy makers and stakeholders: Prior to designing carbon (C) farming projects, proponents, policy makers and government agencies need to identify the most effective areas for investment in C sequestration. However, C sequestration potential varies significantly across the landscape, depending on the agricultural management practices, the physico-chemical properties of the soil itself and the characteristics of the local climate. Moreover, it is unclear whether the strategies proposed today to sequester C in specific regions will be effective under future climatic conditions.
    Max De Antoni, a visiting scientist from Australia, will talk about the work he and his team at the Queensland State Government do, with a particular focus on a project he is working on with Marco Carozzi (SADAPT) to develop the first high-resolution, publicly available online decision support system displaying the C sequestration potential across the entire State of Queensland, under current and future climate change scenarios.

