ECOScience du 10 février 2023

16 October 2023

Yang Liu

• Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) and formaldehyde from East African ecosystems

    • Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) and formaldehyde from East African ecosystems: BVOC emissions from African ecosystems are expected to be at a low level due to a large coverage of savanna, especially in East Africa. But there has been observed a higher level of BVOC in African ecosystems than in the modeling, which possibly attributed to frequent climate and weather stress, and underestimating emission factors for BVOCs in African ecosystems. Therefore, we set up BVOC measurements during wet and dry seasons in Kenya, respectively, to quantify BVOC levels and weather conditions, and estimate emission factors for BVOCs to improve the representation of BVOC emissions from African ecosystems in models.
