Regional assessment of soil type and land occupation influence on ecosystem services / Évaluation régionale de l'influence de la typologie et de l'occupation des sols sur les services écosystémiques

ECOScience du 20 janvier 2023

16 October 2023

Clémentine Chirol

Regional assessment of soil type and land occupation influence on ecosystem services / Évaluation régionale de l'influence de la typologie et de l'occupation des sols sur les services écosystémiques

  • Regional assessment of soil type and land occupation influence on ecosystem services / Évaluation régionale de l'influence de la typologie et de l'occupation des sols sur les services écosystémiques :
    The overall aim of this project is to map interdependent bundles of soil ecosystem services (ES) at a regional scale so that the effect of land planning decisions on ES delivery can be apprehended by stakeholders. In a 320km2 rural area caracterised by croplands, forests and grasslands, we use the expert-based decision support model DESTISOL to score soil functions and ecosystem services over spatial units defined by their soil type, slope category and land cover. Our results display the spatial synergies and tradeoffs between soil ecosystem services through three maps of correlated ES bundles. Going forward, these maps could be generated for different land planning scenarios to assess the ensuing losses and gains of ecosystem services, and promote a more holistic consideration of soil ecosystem services by stakeholders.

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